Micro-Fiction Challenge: Nine (Ghost Story Snowman)

The girl stopped fiddling with her zipper, stuck half-way. Mittens pressed into the frozen crystals that had gathered into a mound; pat, pat, pat. Her skin was pale, breath turned to ice.

‘It’s getting late,’ I warned. The sky was hooded with clouds.

She worked faster. A spade for an arm, thick rope for a scarf. Snowman smiled back.

Orange light beckoned from the back door.

‘Bye Mommy,’ she raced for the porch and paused to blow a kiss.

He stared from the doorway, a virtual silhouette.

‘She’s not there love,’ he peered into growing darkness, ‘there’s no one there.’

Microfiction Challenge

This was the original Microfiction challenge prompt of Ghost Story, Snowman and the word Virtual that had to be seqwayed in! Although I haven’t progressed further in the NYC Midight Microfiction challenge, I’m proud of the piece I submitted and have enjoyed creating my own writing challenge.

Join me in the challenge! Post your micro-fiction of 100 words or less below. I challenge you to use the prompt of  Snowman and the genre of Ghost Story to see what you come up with . Have fun! I would love to see some responses.

Previous Prompts

Dinosaurs & Melodrama

Penguins & Romance

Mitosis & Farce

Wine & Sci-Fi

Zombie & Romance

Horse & Adventure

Train & Travel

Tyrant & Romance

Beat Writers Block – Beat it with a STICK!

Beat Writers Block- Now!

Follow these simple steps to get through that wall of endless misery and doom.

  1. Be Kind – be kind to yourself.
  2. Small achievable goals.
  3. A crappy first draft is great!
  4. No editing
  5. Free exercises for you – from me.

I’m going to explain this all some more, I promise.

This was originally going to be a VLOG – but after a few attempts at filming, well I decided that writing is more my thing that speaking.

Step One: So, lets get back to step one. Be kind. Did you hear that?  BE KIND TO YOURSELF!

I know what it feels to have writers block, or writers procrastination. You wake up, and you’re already carrying around that heavy weight in your chest. There’s already a little voice whispering ‘you didn’t write yesterday…’ or ‘you haven’t hit your word target,’ or even, ‘everything you write is absolute rubbish.’ You know what you have? Writer’s guilt.

Stop it. Stop that right now and take the pressure off of yourself. Especially at the moment when many people are in lockdown, this seems like an incredible opportunity to learn a new language, finish up old projects and pour time and investment into your dreams. For the people for whom this is a reality, that is amazing!

For me, I’m struggling between working from home and childcare. Despite barely leaving my house, I actually have less time and feel more pressured to be getting my WIP finished. More Writer’s Guilt added onto your usual pile.

Let it go. (There’s a whole song about this…)


Let it go, or you will wake up tomorrow and that nagging feeling will be back.

It’s hard to get into a positive headspace to write if you have to wade through the river of Writer’s Guilt first. We have to get out of this habit. So be kind. So what, you missed a deadline, a day, a week, a year… You won’t meet that 90k target in six months, blah, blah, blah… Let it go. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes if you like. Acknowledge it and let it go. I didn’t write yesterday or whatever. I WILL write today.

Step Two: Small achievable goals.

You WILL write today. Open up that WIP. Get to the last thing you did, the latest chapter and just write. Write 100 words. That’s it. Just 100 words. Have you done it? Here is the best part.  Save it. Close the computer. Walk away happy – you did it! Now the most important part – REWARD yourself. Go for a walk, have a soda, read a book watch your favourite TV show. Do something that gives you a mental woo and makes you feel good.

You know what you’re doing? You’re training your brain into a positive response when you do your writing. You’ll be amazed at how much easier and better you’ll feel tomorrow when you carve out just a few minutes to write again.

Tomorrow? Open up that WIP. Write 200 words. Save it. Put it away. REWARD!

The day after: Write 300 words, save it, put it away – REWARD!

Repeat until the process becomes easier and you’re able to write freely.

Now here is the final trick – Always end before you run out of steam for the day. If you’ve written 2000 words and you’re in the middle of a juicy scene, then stop before the scene ends and you’ll be excited to get back to it. Most of all, always give yourself that little reward for getting it done.

Step Three: A crappy first draft is great!


When you’ve sat down to write your 100, 200, 300+ words and it’s hard, then just remember that it doesn’t matter what you put down on the page. It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. It’ll be 100 more words than you had before and that it what matters. You can’t edit a blank page but once you’re WIP is done you can go back and completely rewrite it. Delete that stuff out if you need to. But maybe there will be something worth keeping?


Step Four: Don’t edit as you go.

This will be maximum leech for your momentum. If you realise a huge plot point then write it down. Adjust where your story is heading and write forward. Always write forward. Don’t go back and start tampering with threads and arcs until you’ve got that first draft down – otherwise you’re always going to be buried in the first part of the book.

You’ve got to keep moving forward. One step and one word at a time.

Step Five: Some exercises for you!

I thought I would share some writing exercises that can also help.

Free writing: First of all, free writing is brilliant. If you really, really do not to put the words into your WIP when you’re struggling, then just sit down with pen and paper. Set a timer for 10 minutes and just write. Write EVERYTHING that comes into your mind. Even if it’s just ‘I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m just going to write and blah, blah this is so ridiculous-’ you get the idea. Just write. Write for ten minutes and then set it aside. It’s a bit like a mental ‘unclogging.’

Microfiction: Now something I’m also really keen on is microfiction. Using 100 words or less to tell a story or construct something lyrical. There’s a whole bunch here on the blog if you want to read. Now I’m not going to tell you that it’s any good – I’m not sure that it is! But it entertains me, and the people who give me the prompts. Melodramatic Dinosaurs, Romantic Zombies, Tyrants and Penguins (romance was a big theme)…So that’s something.

I’m going to be running a #microfictionchallenge if you want to join in. Everyone is welcome! I’ll put up a prompt of a word, and a genre that the story is meant to resemble. You have 100 words or less to construct something around it. I would love to see some responses, or you can even set me a challenge.

My challenge to you, for today would be the word: Television in the genre of Action.

Now go write!

Better yet! Give me the 100 words you get done today! I expect it to be brilliantly random and make very little sense.


Micro-Fiction Challenges – Eight

I love his dark crown. His bright eye turns to the world and searches scorched earth for me. He commands legions and holds dominion over my heart. He gifts to me both orcs and goblins and promised a ring for my hand. What more could I wish from any in the shape of man?


I  put out a call for people to challenge me and this is my sixth response. The prompt was Tyrant & Romance. I saw this one coming from a few days ago, and it’s been giving me some thought. I originally was going to write something about the romance between a different fictional tyrant but had a last minute change of direction.

Join me in the challenge! post your micro-fiction of 100 words or less below. I challenge you to use the prompt of  Muffin and the genre of Crime. Have fun! I would love to see some responses.

Previous Prompts

Dinosaurs & Melodrama

Penguins & Romance

Mitosis & Farce

Wine & Sci-Fi

Zombie & Romance

Horse & Adventure

Train & Travel

Micro-Fiction Challenges – Seven

The little blue train on a wooden track. It rattles across the suspension bridge and through the plastic mountain. No passengers at the station, no freight to collect. Dinosaurs line the junctions and a Mr. Robot guards the shed. Little blue train on an endless adventure. Open books for tunnels and a tin foil lake. Chickens the size of Horses, scattered in its wake.


I  put out a call for people to challenge me and this is my sixth response. The prompt was Train & Travel. This was actually a lot harder than I thought it was going to be and it’s only 65 words long. However, I feel that if I kept adding then it would lost it’s form.

Join me in the challenge! post your micro-fiction of 100 words or less below. I challenge you to use the prompt of  Horse and the genre of Sci-Fi. Have fun! I would love to see some responses.

Previous Prompts

Dinosaurs & Melodrama

Penguins & Romance

Mitosis & Farce

Wine & Sci-Fi

Zombie & Romance

Horse & Adventure

Micro-Fiction Challenges – Six

We run together. Mountains, valleys, sand and fields. The ground rolls away behind us.

We walk together.  Cautious, we are braver together. Balanced together.

Your heart will always guide us safely home. My legs will always carry us.

I dream of lush green grass and wild flowers.; of sweet smelling hay and fresh cool water.

We rest together.



I  put out a call for people to challenge me and this is my sixth response. The prompt was Horse & Adventure. This was actually a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. In the end, I think it came out as more a piece of poetry and it’s only 58 words long. However, I feel that if I kept adding then it would lost it’s form.

And yes, that’s me riding. It was a really special day.

Join me in the challenge! post your micro-fiction of 100 words or less below. I challenge you to use the prompt of  Pillow and the genre of Sci-Fi. Have fun! I would love to see some responses.

Previous Prompts

Dinosaurs & Melodrama

Penguins & Romance

Mitosis & Farce

Wine & Sci-Fi

Zombie & Romance

Micro-Fiction Challenges – Five

Grey lips parted to whisper amorous intent. Warm hands slid across mottled skin.


‘Yes, love?’

‘You’ve…you’ve come undone.’

There was a pause. A single heartbeat in the darkness.

‘I’m…I’m sorry, this has never-’

‘It’s really common. I’ll just – I’ll just sew you back together.’

‘Thank you.’ A sigh.

‘What’s the matter?’ Lips pressed to the neck.

‘There just isn’t much time.’

‘I know…I’ll get you back to the crypt before sunrise. I promise.’



I  put out a call for people to challenge me and this is my fifth response. The prompt was Zombie & Romance. I was really excited to write this piece as I had a clear idea of where it was going, as soon as I saw the prompt. I just hope that I did it justice!

Join me in the challenge! post your micro-fiction of 100 words or less below. I challenge you to use the prompt of  Cat and the genre of Romance. Have fun! I would love to see some responses.

Previous Prompts

Dinosaurs & Melodrama

Penguins & Romance

Mitosis & Farce

Wine & Sci-Fi

Micro-Fiction Challenges – Four

They were Mars Red and perfectly spherical.

An impatient voice called from the parlor.

‘Nearly!’ she answered. Voice tinny and nervously pitched. Grapes rolled into the hopper.  Her fingers tapped with deft precision on the control panel. The fruit hissed through rapid fermentation. From red to the acidic blue of an ancient five pound note.

She balanced the glass carefully between her hands and set it down on the tablecloth.

From her high-backed armchair, her mistress extended an arm. With only the faintest hum of mechanical whirring the wine was lifted, tasted and set down with a buzz of satisfaction.


I  put out a call for people to challenge me and this is my second response. The prompt was Wine & Sci-Fi. I was really excited to write this piece as I had a clear idea of where it was going, as soon as I saw the prompt. I just hope that I did it justice!

Join me in the challenge! post your micro-fiction of 100 words or less below. I challenge you to use the prompt of  Chair and the genre of Horror. Have fun! I would love to see some responses.

Previous Prompts

Dinosaurs & Melodrama

Penguins & Romance

Mitosis & Farce

Happy Writing,

Fibi xx

Micro-Fiction Challenges – Three


Alone in a box. It sighs with happiness.

Another appears. They glare across the distance, in the darkness beneath the lid.

Two more stretch out, then four. This is getting ridiculous.

One chases them away, but there are more and more and more.

Eight in the darkness, sixteen, thirty-two. Fighting for space. Two tumble free and the box topples over. Funny little furry creatures scatter across a cold metal floor. Sixty-four little Tribbles, trilling with delight. There’s Tribbles in the Loading Dock. Tribbles across the Crew Decks. Pouring out the ventilation and spreading through the ship.



I  put out a call for people to challenge me and this is my second response. The prompt was Mitosis & Farce. This was a tricky challenge to nail down, and I’ve been thinking about it since it appeared, knowing it was coming up! I’m happy with how it turned out in the end.

Join me in the challenge! post your micro-fiction of 100 words or less below. I challenge you to use the prompt of  Apples and the genre of Steam-Punk. Have fun! I would love to see some responses.

Previous Prompts

Dinosaurs & Melodrama

Penguins & Romance



Happy Writing,

Micro-Fiction Challenges – Two

He swam towards pillars of white and the arch that stretched above the midnight sea. He left a trail of luminescence in his wake. Waves lapped gently against the ice as he climbed. Was she here? Was she waiting? With cautious steps, and outspread wings he peered into the darkness. I’m here. His voice echoed over the shelf. I’m here! He hurried forward.

I’m here.


I  put out a call for people to challenge me and this is my second response. The prompt was Penguins & Romance. Although it’s a short piece, I think I’ve just about pulled it off! Tomorrow is going to be a tricky one!

Join me in the challenge! post your micro-fiction of 100 words or less below. I challenge you to use the prompt of  Snow and the genre of Fantasy. Have fun! I would love to see some responses.

Previous Prompts

Dinosaurs & Melodrama

Happy Writing,



Micro-fiction Challenges!

I have really wanted to write some micro fiction put out a call for people to challenge me. This is my response to the first prompt I was given – Dinosaurs & Melodrama.

I couldn’t help where it ended up… once I got started it was, well it was inevitable! (If you know, you know) I hope that you enjoy it. I’ll work on getting one done a day 🙂

Steg grazed lush grass; revelled in the scent of fern, baked yellow dirt and coming rain.  Allosaurus dozed beneath the nearest tree. They were greatest allies and truest friends.  Thunder rumbled.

Steg looked up, content.

‘Good friends, stay truest,’ he smiled.

Allosaurus flexed. She stretched. She grimaced.

‘I’m hungry,’ the sky had darkened.

The herds had moved away.

His heart thumped with uneasy horror.

Allosaurus grinned. A blaze of light set the clouds on fire.

‘Curse you,’ Steg started to run. He tripped, he tumbled.

Allosaurus approached, teeth bared.

‘Curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal!’

And then they all exploded.

Do you want to provide a prompt? Just comment with me a word like ‘Vampire’ or ‘Moose’ and a genre. Like Moose – Horror! And I’ll do my best to come up with a story of 100 words or less.

Or do you want to join in the challenge! If you do, then post your micro-fiction of 100 words or less below. I challenge you to use the prompt of ‘Daffodil’ and the genre of Sci-fi. Have fun! I would love to see some responses.

Happy Writing,
