So Many Plans…

What am I working on now?

Well, my amazing cousin Alex is approaching the final stages of his ten adventures. It’s been emotional folks! But as a final project in support of this I will be editing/pulling together a second book with memories, blogs, poems and photographs about the ten different events he has completed from all the people who have helped along the way. This will (hopefully) be available to buy at a final shindig to celebrate all that has been achieved this year.

I’m also plugging away at the rest of my manuscript. I have 30,000 beautifully polished words and have realised that the rest of the book needs a good shine up too! I have written a (very long – how did that happen!?) new chapter but am approaching a point where the old manuscript and the new manuscript can marry up nicely. Whoopeee!!! So close, it’s so close now!

Other creative projects include the planning stages of not one, not two, but three murder mysteries with my partner in crime-writing Mr Lovely. Two of these events to be hosted at the gorgeous Racing Sea Horses B & B in England have already sold out. They’re fully booked! Eeek! We best get plotting! But it’s okay we have an A2 pad for brainstorming and everything…

Finally, blogging! I intend to create more blogs and return to my writing conundrums, explanations and explorations of craft.

So many plans.

Have wonderful Tuesdays!

Fibi xx

Something amazing has happened

Yesterday was such a busy day! Well done to Alex’s Adventures!!!!!!!!!!

Alex's Adventure

I mean honestly… amazing.

After returning back from the fourth adventure along Hadrian’s Wall which he had been walking along with family and friends, I imagine Alex was pretty tired; with sore feet, a bit of dehydration and exhaustion after driving across the country to get there and back.

(Name the film that features this location…)

tree 1

But guess what my crazy, but awesome cousin did the very next day? Well he sailed in the Fire Fighters annual sailing competition of course!

What?! Honestly, he’s mad! I can’t imagine how tired he must have been going into the competition, but I know he would have given it his all. Again and again Alex just keeps showing what dedication, commitment and determination can achieve.

He and his crew mates won. THEY WON! What a fantastic achievement in itself! The Fire Fighters yearly race is very very competitive and it’s a real feat…

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I believe!

I’m sure you’ll all be sick of me talking about this, but thank you Daily Prompt for a perfect oppertunity! Another reason to believe….

Currently my reason to believe is the generosity of the people around me. A few weeks ago I put out a call for poems, stories, artwork and photographs to pull together in a book. The purpose of this book was to help raise money and awareness for cystic fibrosis and the fire fighters charity via Alex’s Adventures.
I was overwhelmed by the amount of work I received back, and the immense quality of so many of the pieces.
One of my favourite things is a poem written by my three year old niece about her favourite person. Honestly, it’s inspired! But there are also some gorgeous short stories and many poems dedicated in love to those who have passed on from this world. I’m so proud of the collection and just feel so grateful to all of the contributors who helped make it what it was.
It’s been an emotional journey, pulling it all together but it’s worth it. I hope it does well as all proceeds will go to charity and help raise awareness for things that are close to my heart.
One final, enormous thank you has to be to a friend I contacted, out of the blue just two days before sending the book to print. I asked, because I knew he was into arty things, if he had any illustrations that would fit the theme. His response was just incredible. He managed to get three amazing pictures back to me, for three poems. They are amazing and so beautiful. His website is Unknown Creatives and they come very highly recommended.
If any of you lovely bloggers would want to review this raw and heartfelt collection that would be amazing! Please contact me 🙂

And here it is! You mean the world to me… a collection made and dedicated to love.

I can’t stay mad at you – Occupational Hazard!!

My cousin Alex is doing ten amazing challenges in ten months to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis and the Fire-Fighters trust to mark ten years since his sister passed away due to this destructive disease. In the past four months he must have walked, cycled, horse ridden and kayaked more than 300 miles! Not to mention the miles put down by everyone joining in with the cause. So, to help him I decided to pull together a collection of poems, short stories, flash fiction and art work from friends, family and fellow creative people and create a book that we will be able to sell; all profits donated to charity.
I’ve been completely overwhelmed by the submissions I’ve received and they’re still coming in! The theme is You Mean the World to Me. Now, this post is supposed to be forgiveness based and I’ve named it Occupation Hazard. I’ve come a long way around, but I’m finding it hard to read the submissions. They’re so beautiful and so many of them are raw. I’ll be honest; the first reading of each submission is tending to leave me in tears.
I’m not usually an emotional person. It takes a lot to choke me up and I’m certainly not one to wear my hearty on my sleeve – well, that’s what I like to think anyway! But I keep choking on the words that other people have sent to me, in honour of this amazing cause. Don’t get me wrong by any means. I am LOVING pulling everything together and working on something physical which will both help the charity’s and act as a kind of record for what my cousin Alex is undertaking. I didn’t expect to need a box of tissues when reading through though.
Luckily, after the initial waterfall-inducing whammy of the pieces, I’m able to step back a little bit. Or at least, I know enough of what they each are to put them into a cohesive order for the book. Make me cry once, shame on me, make it happen twice – well…well done your creative geniuses for creating such moving pieces.
I forgive you all though.
Thank you.
Fibi xx

Cover Art – Revealed!

Cover Art for You Mean the World to Me – Revealed!

Alex's Adventure

Hi Everyone,

Alex has completed the fourth of his ten adventures! There are some amazing photos of the journey on facebook. Just a huge congratulations to Alex and all the supportive family and friends who joined in with the Hadrians Wall Walk!

Now for some further exciting news – This is the cover art of the collected poems and stories for You Mean the World to Me.

It’s quite simple, but I hope you like it!


Hope Alex, Angelique, Sophie, Andrew and everyone else’s feet arn’t too sore!

Fibi xx

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8 Days To Go…

I’ve been harking on for the last couple of months about raising money for charity – sorry! But it’s an issue close to my heart.

My lovely cousin, who is doing the 10 adventures in 10 months (yes, he is mad…)has this to say for himself…


10 years ago I lost my sister to cystic fibrosis.

In her memory, I want to honour her by doing something which is inclusive of the whole family. I want the whole family to participate in some manner if that be logistics, competing or planning.

10 events was decided upon as I wanted this to stand above something I, or any of my family members has ever done before; when specifically trying to honour Melissa’s memory. Some of Melissa’s key characteristics included strength, determination and a phenomenal desire to push everything to the limit; never taking no for an answer, and never giving up or complaining.

We didn’t want the year to sinply pass as another anniversary without her, instead we wanted to act on it by doing something very different.

Raising money for charity is one of the primary objectives; cystic fibrosis and the firefighters charity will be the two beneficaries of my efforts. Cystic fibrosis as a big thank you for the 19 years of support, help and guidance, which we couldn’t have done without.

Following recent injury, the firefighters charity provided essential physio and rehabilitation, which without this, I would not have use of my left arm!

As Melissa’s immediate family, we feel that the grieving process is over. We want to look back at the times we had with her. The whole family have been somewhat isolated since she died; the purpose of the 10 events is to bond the family, and let the conversation of Melissa no longer be ‘taboo’.


He has set up a proper page for donations here:

I am so excited to see what this year brings. Alex is right, the clouds are lifting and it is time for us all, as a family to celebrate that life of the most beautiful and amazing young lady and set our greiving aside.

My sister completeing her triathalon last year in honour of Melissa said when she finished the race that she could hear Milly in her ear during the hardest moments. Laughing at her and yelling: ‘move your behind!!!!’ or something similar…

Whenever life does get hard and troubles rise, she is the person I remember and imagine encouraging me.

I’m a bit nervous about next weekend if I’m honest. I’ll be accommpanying Alex on the 19th with my Aunt and his Fiance on horseback while he walks. I don’t get to ride very often and I’m by no means an outstanding horsepersonage. But Daisy, the beastie (she really is a lovely beasty) I’ll be riding was Melissa’s miracle pony, rescued as a foal. Daisy was left to Alex and I feel very privilaged to be able to ride out onto the South Downs for the miles that we’ll be doing. I’m sure I’ll turn the experiance into something creative when I return.

Loves Fibi x