Daily Prompt: Back to School / I don’t got no gramma’

Daily Prompt: Back to SchoolIf you could take a break from your life and go back to school to master a subject, what would it be?

Now here is an interesting question! If I could go back to school, what would I want to master? Well, ideally I’d love to learn all the ‘stuff’ about grammar and punctuation – I’d particularly like to learn how to spell (auto-correct, you are a fiendish friend!) I don’t know where I was, when everyone else was learning all the ‘rules’ of grammar, but I’m certain I wasn’t in the class!

When it comes to the rules, I always feel deficient. Why does i go before e except after c? When should I use a semi-colon, and the possessive apostrophe ends up everywhere, even when there are no s’sssss to be found! I’m aware these days, that with the wonder of googliness, I can read up on all these rules and re-learn them. However, I feel cheated. These aren’t things I should be learning, (I can’t relearn something that I’ve never learnt) these are things that I should know.

The deficit is a hole within me. When I’m pulling out the story and the flow and the words and throwing them onto the page like an artist with paint; I can’t help but feel I’ve been robbed of a valuable tool – the paint brush perhaps. Yes, I can throw a variety of colours onto the page, and I might even be more imaginative, painting without a brush, but when I’m trying to be a serious artist, the lack of definition shows.

Please could I learn some grammar?


8 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Back to School / I don’t got no gramma’

  1. Pingback: I want to be… a Chopper Pilot! | The Rider

  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Back to School | flow of my soul

  3. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Back to School | prettywitgla33es

  4. Pingback: If I were to go back to school, what would I want to master? | Kids "R" Simple

  5. Pingback: Back to school | Sue's Trifles

  6. I like this quote I picked up somewhere — sorry I can’t remember who to credit it to:
    “Good grammar is the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you’re shit.”

  7. Pingback: What if we were schooled every day? | Okay, what if ?

  8. Pingback: 10 Day Blogger Challenge – Half Way There! | fibijeeves

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